Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are teachers born or made?

Is teaching an art or a science?


I borrow this sort of response from my husband, who is fond of answering non-yes/no questions with a yes or a no, much to my dissatisfaction. While sometimes he just doesn't want to commit, this can also mean that both are true. And in this case, yes, teaching can be an art, a talent someone inherently has (although like most talents it still needs development through practice) but it can also be something learned through a process, like a science.

To put it another way, some people are naturally better teachers, whether due to personality or natural ability to communicate ideas. However, much about becoming a better teacher is scientific, in that there should be a rational process followed (in order to establish goals and determine the best way to achieve those goals) and testing and retesting is needed. In this way, a person with natural aptitude can get better and one without the talent can be good.